Understand the international business

International Week


International Marketing Management

This course focuses on the alignment of the company’s international marketing strategy and its information technology strategy in order to maximize its Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management abilities in the global market environment for competitive advantage.

International Trade and Communication

The objective of this course is to provide students with the knowledge necessary to manage commercial operations and negotiations in an international environment.

The course consists of main concepts of global trade, which give the students the knowledge about the subject. It includes theoretical lectures, readings, and practical exercises. An international approach is used to examine the similarities, differences and application of theory and practice across national boundaries, and to identify those structural constraints that permit business to be conducted in international environment. 

Students will also learn from real and specific examples of methods, tools, success stories, and failures.

International Finance

This course aims at (i) convincing students of the importance of mastering financial engineering in international environments and (ii) laying the ground for that expertise by addressing basic yet fundamental concepts.

At the end of this lecture, students will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of finance in conducting a business
  • Understand the relation between finance and strategy
  • Understand financial statements
  • Conduct basic financial analysis
  • Use financial statements to assess a business and its strategy

Global Human Resources

This course looks at how the increasingly globalised world affects the world of organizations, and how culture and diversity require nuanced and contextualized approaches to managing people in contemporary organizations.

By the end of this course, the students will be able to recognize various dimensions of diversity, including (but not limited to) culture and ethnicity, age, gender, social and educational background and philosophical and political outlook, understand the how structure, power, and motivation affect and are affected by employee backgrounds and positions, and will be able to put in place processes of employee integration which preserve and value diversity.

International law

Ce module a pour finalité de mettre en exergue la dimension internationale du droit commercial puisque les flux commerciaux ont un caractère international, multilatéral, régional. A la fin de cet enseignement, les étudiants devront être capables :

  • de bien lire, voire négocier un contrat passé entre deux sociétés commerciales de nationalités différentes,
  • comprendre les clauses les plus importantes, analyser le jeu des acteurs dans ce commerce international